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Day-to-day in class:Thoughts from past BMA teacher, Elisa Wu

If I could pass down one gift to another human being, it would definitely be the gift of music.

Almost everyone enjoys listening to music. People like to hum along, move their bodies, or sing in the shower. Music is a core part of any culture, and Musical Arts, with the combination of reading, writing, arithmetic and physical activities, completes the development of the whole brain. I truly believe that music education should be encouraged and made available to children of any age, who are interested in learning.

Musical education offers many benefits to children. Children learn hand eye coordination, learn to stay alert, be ready, and be patient. Children learn to recognize patterns, improve physical stamina, develop good posture, increase focus and gain confidence.

We want to help all our youngsters to be lifelong learners! To be lifelong learners, the children must know that practice and discipline are the two key factors in the success equation. The same skills can be applied at school, and in later years, at work.

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