604 556 6548 info@bakerviewmusic.ca


Since the beginning, BMA has relied heavily on the community spirit of our many volunteers who donate their time and talent to our El-Sistema-inspired Academy.

Volunteers are the backbone of our program and allow us to provide a high-quality professional music program — funded by our generous donors — to Abbotsford-area students. Students accepted into our academy range from grades two to 12.

Our volunteers serve in the following ways:

  • watching the door (which must be kept secure) and letting students into the academy as they arrive
  • helping our food coordinator with preparing and serving a healthy snack from 2:30 to 3:00 pm (before warm up at 3:00 pm and classes at 3:15 pm)
  • supervising snack time, ensuring that all students feel included and supported
  • setting up and clearing away chairs and music stands
  • setting up classrooms, tables, and chairs
  • walking children to the academy after school
  • assisting teachers in the classroom
  • supporting individual children who might need a little extra support with learning or a friendly conversation when they arrive after school (especially if they’ve had a tough day)

Our volunteers truly love young people and want to see them reach their own unique potential.

We invite you to join our team as a volunteer and be part of an organization with a passionate cause and vision. All of our volunteers must successfully complete a Criminal Background Check before they are able to begin volunteering with us.

Fill out the volunteer form provided and tell us a bit about yourself.

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