Meet Heidi Epp, BMA’s new Program Director, at the online AGM Aug. 26, 2021
You are invited to hear about our nonprofit music academy and to meet our new Program Director, Heidi Epp during the BMA Society’s AGM on Thurs. Aug. 26, 2021.
The AGM is hosted via Zoom, starting at 7 pm:
Join Zoom Meeting 88457421514?pwd= ZkU2Wlg5eFVlOGlnNnk2QnZwV1R0UT 09
Meeting ID: 884 5742 1514
Passcode: 374481
*Meeting hosted via ZOOM; please ensure you are muted when not speaking/asking questions*
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 884 5742 1514
Passcode: 374481
*Meeting hosted via ZOOM; please ensure you are muted when not speaking/asking questions*
You are welcome to pop in to “meet” Heidi Epp and leave before the end of the AGM or stay the whole time.
The agenda for tomorrow’s AGM is attached here: BMA AGM document 2021
For our students who are returning – a reminder that BMA starts September 14 and everyone will attend both Tuesdays and Thursdays (BMA Juniors and Seniors). Drop off between 2:30 and 3:00 pm and pick up by 5:15 pm.